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Disposable Water Seal Chest Drainage Systems
one bottle two bottle three bottle portable water seal chest tube drainage system

Disposable Water Seal Chest Drainage Systems

one bottle two bottle three bottle portable water seal chest tube drainage system:For medical unit used in pneumothorax or fluid in thorax caused by traumatic hemopneumothorax and spontaneous pneumothorax,etc.
Product Detail

1、Chest Drainage Expert: supported by top precision plastic manufacturing,opening new era of "non-water level suction control". applying precision plastic gas valve replacing water-level cintrol mode to suck and control,which has been generally used in developed countries and areas,solving the problem of former generation product.

2、Risk Prevention: Automatic positive pressure release device automatic high negative pressure release device silicone drainage tube and anti-kink design anti-reflux device

3、Rehabilitation Facilitation:pulmonary air leakage observation window device for controlling gas accurately(non water-level)

Humanization: only need adding water once negative pressure access indication

portable water seal chest tube drainage system Specifications and Models未标题-1.jpg

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