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Disposable Uterine Cannula
Disposable uterine suction cannula

Disposable Uterine Cannula

Disposable uterine suction cannula:Disposable Uterine Cannula provides both hydrotubation injection and uterine manipulation.
The unique design allows a tight seal on the cervix and a distal extension for enhanced manipulation.
Product Detail

1、Simple and effective

2、Fully disposable and sterile packed ready for use

3、Unique screw design allows better cervical seal preventing dye leakage/backflow

4、Adjustable distal extension accommodates different sizes of uterus allowing uterine manipulation

5、Dynamic locking mechanism for holding the tenaculum forceps

Disposable uterine suction cannula Specifications and Models未标题-1.jpg

UCM1810Disposable Uterine
Cannula/Manipulator,Straight Tip,Adjustable
Cervical Screw,Single-use,sterile
UCM1820Disposable Uterine
Cannula/Manipulator,Curved Tip,Adjustable
Cervical Screw,Single-use,sterile
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